Hello guys.. I want to say welcome to http://diarigadiscun.blogspot.com/, for your knowledge, this blog is made especially to reveal about my dream and 100% about my private life journey. So, please give some of your precious time to read my blog.
- Nurul Atikah.

# Do You Have a Wonderful Life??
Sunday, December 8, 2013 / permalink

what is the meaning of "life" to you?? it's something fun or what??

for me, life is something that we must through it.. it does not matter we like it or not..
maybe for someone who always be alone, they will think that life is something terrible and maybe it's a wonderful thing to someone who have a lot of friend...

dah namanya kehidupan, mestilah banyak cabaran yang kita hadapi...
untunglah sape2 yg ada ramai kawan sbb hidup mesti boring tanpa manusia bernama keluarga dan kawan...
kawan ni tersangatlah penting ok!!

kawan sejati akan terima segala baik buruk kita...
a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words
biarpun kita bergaduh, mereka akan tetap mendoakan kebahagiaan kita

tapi ada juga yg jenis "kawan makan kawan"
so, be careful when you choose you friend okay..
the sad truth is that there are some people who will only be there for you as long as you have something they need.. when you no longer serve a purpose to them, they will leave... but the good news is if you tough it out, you will eventually weed these people out of your life and be left with some great people you can count on... we rarely lose friends and lovers, we just gradually figure out who our real ones are.

indeed, it already be the norm that we're interdependencies between each other, but jgn terlalu berharap sgt sbb... 
Expectation is the root of all heartache...

it is impossible for all of our expectations to be true. and when things do not happen as we expect, we may be hurt later

tapi no fun lah kalau hidup xde cabaran kan sbb melalui cabaran, manusia akan berhijrah dr satu peringkat ke satu peringkat yg lain...

in other word... if now we are good, maybe after what happened we can be a better person...

that why always keep in our mind that whatever happens to us, either good or bad... maybe something good is waiting for us in the future
so, accept it and through its with smile in our face...

in fact, kehidupan byk mengajar kita pelbagai emosi...
kita menangis bila kita sedih...
kita ketawa bila kita happy..
marah, kecewa, geram, annoying... semua emosi itu menjadikan kita seorang manusia...

p/s: although a wall is blocking our journey... don't forget to keep RUNNING!!! grab our future